Friday, October 25, 2013

City to Bay - What Actually Happened?

So, a few months back I was doing the city to bay... and that's all I said of it.  I completed all 12 km in under 2 hours, so was very happy with that time.  I believe it was approx 1:47.  I also finished 10th in my category, which is nothing to sneeze at since there were over 40,500 people who participated.

Just went to prove to me that I had more ability than I gave myself credit for, and it was a pretty amazing experience really.  (aside from the sunburn)

So yes, absolutely doing it again next year.  Yes, I fully plan to beat my time. (Might even be dreaming of coming in the top three for my section!)  I'm even thinking about running next year, but not entirely sure I will do that. 

It was tough.  There were points when I asked what I had signed myself up for, but when I passed the 7km to go it actually got easier from there on in.  I'm glad I didn't sign up for only 6 km, as I wouldn't have pushed myself as hard and wouldn't have felt the incredible victory of having done something I thought was completely impossible a year ago.  I could barely walk by the end of it, and yes, I was incredibly sore the next day, but it was one of the best experiences of my life!

If you get the opportunity absolutely do it.  Just don't forget your safety pins, sunscreen and hat.  ;)

And if you're wondering, I still have my old training sheets up, and I'm still walking regularly... got to keep in shape for next year.  ;)  See you at the finish line!

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